Anxiety and Agoraphobia

Agoraphobia is a condition that some sufferers of Anxiety or Panic Disorder develop if their condition isn't treated. Contrary to popular belief Agoraphobia is not a fear of leaving the house, but a progressive condition that has the sufferer scared to be in a situation where escape from a Panic Attack seems unavoidable and difficult. Agoraphobia can lead to a vicious circle you may be frightened of having a Panic Attack and find yourself having a Panic attack through fear of having one, this re-occurs over and over until the condition is treated.

I avoided looking for work, going to social functions and many other situations because of this. Even getting in a car, shopping or getting on public transport was absolutely terrifying. I was very limited with what I could do and basically crippled my lifestyle for over 10 years. This very quickly stopped me from going out at all. I had one stint of 8 years of not leaving the house at all, my neighbors didn't know I was there. They thought my partner lived alone, sadly my home became my safe place.

People who suffer from Agoraphobia have a safe place, everyone's safe place is different. If you have your attacks in your car on a main road you may choose to only drive on quiet streets and limit where you drive. Or you may find like me, standing in long lines to pay a bill or at supermarkets waiting to pay for your groceries causes a Panic Attack. You may then get someone else to pay your bills or shop at a smaller shop with less customers. That becomes your Safe Zone, you end up being very limited in your daily life or do as I did, practically made myself a recluse locked between 4 walls.

Anyone who suffers from Agoraphobia knows only too well the intense fear that overtakes you, your mind turns to mush and your body just won't co-operate.You sweat, your heart races, your legs feel like jelly, and you wish you were in your Safe Place. Then later on when you get to your Safe Place you wonder why this happens to you, which just makes you more anxious. It's a confining and frightening condition.

Agoraphobia can develop without suffering Anxiety or Panic Disorder, although it is uncommon, but more often is linked to these and other disorders. The cause of Agoraphobia is unknown, but it is to be thought to be caused by genetic, chemical imbalance in the brain, environment and social situations. Agoraphobia can be treated, it's obviously better to get treatment as soon as you experience Anxiety or Panic Attacks, but even after years of suffering, like me you can learn to control it. Once I learned to take control of my Anxiety and Panic Attacks, my Agoraphobia became a thing of the past.