Most of us at some stage have known someone with an Anxiety Or Panic Disorder, it my be a friend, or family member, a partner or relative. If it is someone that is very close to you for example your spouse, partner or a very close friend, you are going to need to learn how to support someone with Anxiety or Panic Disorder. For the sake of this article we will say it is your partner.
If your partner suffers from Anxiety or Panic Disorder, you will need to know how to assist them in their recovery. The first thing you need to do is take them and their disorder seriously, be very supportive as they are feeling vulnerable and frightened. It won't be easy helping your partner get through this you may get snapped at, and when they are feeling the anxiety they may be in their own little world. Mainly all they want is someone to try and understand what they are going through.
Here are a few points that can help you support your loved one...
1. Never tell them they are crazy...that will only re-enforce what they are already thinking and retard their recovery.
2. Let them know set backs are normal and part of any recovery. Encourage them when they take a positive step towards their recovery.
3. If your partner has trouble leaving the house, don't spring surprise outings on them. This will also make them more anxious and may trigger a panic attack.
4. When you are away from home with your partner play it by ear, if he or she is experiencing Anxiety let them guide you to what is more comfortable for them. If they want to change the plans or go home let them.
5.If you and your partner do go out together and you get separated plan before you go to have a meeting place where you can re-connect and be sure to head there as soon as you realize you have been separated, or it may again trigger a Panic Attack if he or she gets there first and finds you're not there.
These are just some helpful tips for looking after an Anxiety sufferer, there are many more and you are not a mind reader so you won't always know what your partner wants. All you can do is listen to what they are saying to you, be supportive and caring. Your partner will guide you and let you know what they need for their recovery.
Never tell him or her that their Anxiety and Panic Attacks are all in their mind and to get over it or stop being silly, they are not in control and can't help what they are feeling. If your partner has an attack you can't stop it and it will pass, hold them if that's what they need and reassure them. Remind them a panic attack can't hurt them and they will be alright.
Most importantly remember your are there to support your partner, you are not responsible for their recovery.Your partner has to learn to control his or her attacks and heal from within. Also look after your own health, being a support person can be mentally straining. You can't be any help to yourself or your partner if you wear yourself out, be there for them don't try and recover for them.
If your partner suffers from Anxiety or Panic Disorder, you will need to know how to assist them in their recovery. The first thing you need to do is take them and their disorder seriously, be very supportive as they are feeling vulnerable and frightened. It won't be easy helping your partner get through this you may get snapped at, and when they are feeling the anxiety they may be in their own little world. Mainly all they want is someone to try and understand what they are going through.
Here are a few points that can help you support your loved one...
1. Never tell them they are crazy...that will only re-enforce what they are already thinking and retard their recovery.
2. Let them know set backs are normal and part of any recovery. Encourage them when they take a positive step towards their recovery.
3. If your partner has trouble leaving the house, don't spring surprise outings on them. This will also make them more anxious and may trigger a panic attack.
4. When you are away from home with your partner play it by ear, if he or she is experiencing Anxiety let them guide you to what is more comfortable for them. If they want to change the plans or go home let them.
5.If you and your partner do go out together and you get separated plan before you go to have a meeting place where you can re-connect and be sure to head there as soon as you realize you have been separated, or it may again trigger a Panic Attack if he or she gets there first and finds you're not there.
These are just some helpful tips for looking after an Anxiety sufferer, there are many more and you are not a mind reader so you won't always know what your partner wants. All you can do is listen to what they are saying to you, be supportive and caring. Your partner will guide you and let you know what they need for their recovery.
Never tell him or her that their Anxiety and Panic Attacks are all in their mind and to get over it or stop being silly, they are not in control and can't help what they are feeling. If your partner has an attack you can't stop it and it will pass, hold them if that's what they need and reassure them. Remind them a panic attack can't hurt them and they will be alright.
Most importantly remember your are there to support your partner, you are not responsible for their recovery.Your partner has to learn to control his or her attacks and heal from within. Also look after your own health, being a support person can be mentally straining. You can't be any help to yourself or your partner if you wear yourself out, be there for them don't try and recover for them.