Dealing With Anxiety...

There are a few tips for managing anxiety, the main one in my opinion is to reassure yourself that you can't die from anxiety. As much as the tight chest, the tingly feeling in your arms and fingers and other truly horrible symptoms may make you feel like your dying, anxiety can't hurt you.

I'm not a doctor or psychologist, I'm just a normal person like you who has suffered from anxiety or is still suffering from Anxiety  but I did learn from health professionals that an anxiety attack can't harm me. Knowing that helped me cope with my anxiety, in fact it was one of the major tips that helped me overcome anxiety.

I used to get my anxiety mostly at night, or when going out, both scared the crap out of me my anxiety used to get so bad I felt so unreal and out of it. There is good news though I now very rarely have an anxiety attack. How did I do it...I think part of it was I got older and just refused to let it beat me.

I can thank Centrelink for solving my day anxiety because as much as I'd much prefer to stay at home in my safe zone, they gave me appointments here and there each fortnight and I just eventually just had to deal with it and eventually it become easier. I never went out alone though I always had someone with me. I can go out alone now I feel so much more confident and at ease.

My night anxiety was much harder to deal with, I remember laying down trying to go to sleep and all I could hear was my heart pounding and a horrible tingly feeling down my arms. I really thought I was having a heart attack on more than one occasion. It was just anxiety which I eventually found out but it was no consolation to me if I couldn't get it to go away.

I used to self medicate to make it go away and it worked until the next night and then it just became a vicious circle because alcohol can give you anxiety, so self medicating wasn't helping at all it was just prolonging the problem and making my anxiety worse....I seriously don't recommend it.

Try distracting yourself by reading a book or watching a movie even jump on Facebook and chat to your friends, that used to help me a lot. I had one friend who knew about my anxiety and helped me forget it for the night. If theres a family member available ask them to help you through it.

I used to get anxiety at night just because I was anxious that I was going to have an attack the next day, it was an awful feeling.

In my opinion though the best way to beat anxiety is to get professional help, I came across my help sort of accidently because of my self medicating. I eventually got really tired of drinking all the time and I went to a psychologist to help with my drinking and she helped me learn to cope with anxiety.

The other thing that eventually helped me is I just started to relax a bit more and knowing anxiety couldn't hurt me because my biggest fear was thinking I was going to die.

I started telling myself this can't hurt me over and over everytime I got an attack and eventually I started to believe it.

This is just my personal experience with anxiety and I'm sure others have different symptoms and different reasons for their anxiety, finding the root of your anxiety and understanding it should put you on the way to recovering.

Children Experience Anxiety Too

Children experience anxiety as part of their everyday life, fears at a young age are common, but there is a need for parents to know what is normal childhood fear, and what maybe a Anxiety Disorder. Young children often have a fear of going to the doctors, or of sleeping in the dark, at a slightly older age they may suffer anxiety when they first start kindergarten or their first day at school. This is normal but if the anxiety interferes with their everyday life, it should be treated as soon as possible.

Anxiety can start as early as 6 months old, babies may fear large objects, loud noise or separation. With toddlers and pre-school age children the fears may include being alone and darkness. School age children may fear ghosts, failure, tests criticism and like adults actual physical harm and threats. Younger children don't worry like adult or older children, as they don't have the mechanics to imagine future events or bad things associated with the future.

Children quite often react to change, whether it be moving house, a break up of their parents relationship or the death of someone close. It is important parents take a child's anxiety seriously, and help then cope with change in a caring and positive manner. Children with Anxiety quite often have the same symptoms as adults, but find it harder to express how they are feeling, and often a child will act out when they are distressed. If parents see a change in their child's behavior they should get a professional opinion.

Even doctors can have trouble diagnosing anxiety in children, and often parents don't recognize the symptoms either so if parents notice their child is acting differently than normal, they can talk to their child openly and see if there is anything that is stressing them. Listen and then act accordingly, because if your child develops an Anxiety Disorder they will need treatment promptly.

Children with untreated anxiety often develop poor social skills, are at a high risk of not doing well at school and as they get older may self medicate with drugs or alcohol. That's why treatment is vital when they first start showing signs of anxiety, if necessary get more than one doctors opinion. I remember being scared when I was younger, and through my teenage years and most of my adulthood, when I was a child anxiety wasn't a disorder and fear was just fear. We didn't get professional help unless it was a physical injury or illness. Mental illness wasn't talked about like it is today, had it been I may have learned to manage my anxiety a lot earlier and had a different and happier life.

I don't blame anyone for my anxiety, I just wish I my mother knew what to look for and had more information about mental illness. I urge all parents to look for the signs of anxiety in your child, it may just be normal childhood fear which can be helped with love and support, but it may not and can turn into an Anxiety Disorder. Even if you are not sure it won't hurt to find out for sure from a professional.

Social Anxiety - What is It?

Social Anxiety is another crippling Anxiety Disorder which can bring on Panic attacks and is also known as Social Phobia. It's a fear of social situations and being judged or embarrassed when meeting or talking to other people. Social Anxiety or Phobia can be likened to shyness but with a much more intense fear. Shyness becomes an Anxiety Disorder when being around people becomes very difficult and you may stop socializing altogether or at least avoid social situations.

You may also experience symptoms much like those of Anxiety, which include Trembling, Sweating, Palpitations. sinking feeling or an almost irresistible or to run away. You may also feel like your fears are irrational and blame yourself for feeling that way, rather than trying to understand that your fears are a disorder. This is completely normal and you shouldn't feel ashamed or embarrassed.

The emotional symptoms you may feel can include being self conscious or having a feeling of failure, you may avoid social situations or isolate yourself from friends or family, and you might be more likely to abuse drugs or alcohol to give you more confidence to wonder out into a social situation.

Things You May Avoid Or Be Uncomfortable With, Include:

Being the center of attention

Being introduced to new people

Being watched by people when you are doing something

Meeting people in Authority

Using the telephone

All these things are completely normal for a Social Anxiety are not crazy and there are steps you can take to overcome all the symptoms. Try to find someone close to you for support, they can help if you can't avoid going out and don't want to go alone. One really important thing is to try and avoid alcohol to give you dutch courage, alcohol is a depressant may help you at the time, but in the long time will only increase your anxiety. I know this for a fact as I used to self medicate.

One of the first steps of overcoming Social disorder is understanding your feelings and fears, reading about your disorder or joining a forum for Social Anxiety sufferers can also help you to understand your disorder. The main thing for you do do is to realize you have a disorder and takes steps to treat it and recover, which can be done either by getting therapy or using self help as I did, and by that I don't mean self medicate. There are self help methods that can help you and none of them recommend self medication.

Anxiety and Agoraphobia

Agoraphobia is a condition that some sufferers of Anxiety or Panic Disorder develop if their condition isn't treated. Contrary to popular belief Agoraphobia is not a fear of leaving the house, but a progressive condition that has the sufferer scared to be in a situation where escape from a Panic Attack seems unavoidable and difficult. Agoraphobia can lead to a vicious circle you may be frightened of having a Panic Attack and find yourself having a Panic attack through fear of having one, this re-occurs over and over until the condition is treated.

I avoided looking for work, going to social functions and many other situations because of this. Even getting in a car, shopping or getting on public transport was absolutely terrifying. I was very limited with what I could do and basically crippled my lifestyle for over 10 years. This very quickly stopped me from going out at all. I had one stint of 8 years of not leaving the house at all, my neighbors didn't know I was there. They thought my partner lived alone, sadly my home became my safe place.

People who suffer from Agoraphobia have a safe place, everyone's safe place is different. If you have your attacks in your car on a main road you may choose to only drive on quiet streets and limit where you drive. Or you may find like me, standing in long lines to pay a bill or at supermarkets waiting to pay for your groceries causes a Panic Attack. You may then get someone else to pay your bills or shop at a smaller shop with less customers. That becomes your Safe Zone, you end up being very limited in your daily life or do as I did, practically made myself a recluse locked between 4 walls.

Anyone who suffers from Agoraphobia knows only too well the intense fear that overtakes you, your mind turns to mush and your body just won't co-operate.You sweat, your heart races, your legs feel like jelly, and you wish you were in your Safe Place. Then later on when you get to your Safe Place you wonder why this happens to you, which just makes you more anxious. It's a confining and frightening condition.

Agoraphobia can develop without suffering Anxiety or Panic Disorder, although it is uncommon, but more often is linked to these and other disorders. The cause of Agoraphobia is unknown, but it is to be thought to be caused by genetic, chemical imbalance in the brain, environment and social situations. Agoraphobia can be treated, it's obviously better to get treatment as soon as you experience Anxiety or Panic Attacks, but even after years of suffering, like me you can learn to control it. Once I learned to take control of my Anxiety and Panic Attacks, my Agoraphobia became a thing of the past.

How to Support Someone With Anxiety Or Panic Disorder

Most of us at some stage have known someone with an Anxiety Or Panic Disorder, it my be a friend, or family member, a partner or relative. If it is someone that is very close to you for example your spouse, partner or a very close friend, you are going to need to learn how to support someone with Anxiety or Panic Disorder. For the sake of this article we will say it is your partner.

If your partner suffers from Anxiety or Panic Disorder, you will need to know how to assist them in their recovery. The first thing you need to do is take them and their disorder seriously, be very supportive as they are feeling vulnerable and frightened. It won't be easy helping your partner get through this you may get snapped at, and when they are feeling the anxiety they may be in their own little world. Mainly all they want is someone to try and understand what they are going through.

Here are a few points that can help you support your loved one...

1. Never tell them they are crazy...that will only re-enforce what they are already thinking and retard their recovery.

2. Let them know set backs are normal and part of any recovery. Encourage them when they take a positive step towards their recovery.

3. If your partner has trouble leaving the house, don't spring surprise outings on them. This will also make them more anxious and may trigger a panic attack.

4. When you are away from home with your partner play it by ear, if he or she is experiencing Anxiety let them guide you to what is more comfortable for them. If they want to change the plans or go home let them.

5.If you and your partner do go out together and you get separated plan before you go to have a meeting place where you can re-connect and be sure to head there as soon as you realize you have been separated, or it may again trigger a Panic Attack if he or she gets there first and finds you're not there.

These are just some helpful tips for looking after an Anxiety sufferer, there are many more and you are not a mind reader so you won't always know what your partner wants. All you can do is listen to what they are saying to you, be supportive and caring. Your partner will guide you and let you know what they need for their recovery.

Never tell him or her that their Anxiety and Panic Attacks are all in their mind and to get over it or stop being silly, they are not in control and can't help what they are feeling. If your partner has an attack you can't stop it and it will pass, hold them if that's what they need and reassure them. Remind them a panic attack can't hurt them and they will be alright.

Most importantly remember your are there to support your partner, you are not responsible for their recovery.Your partner has to learn to control his or her attacks and heal from within. Also look after your own health, being a support person can be mentally straining. You can't be any help to yourself or your partner if you wear yourself out, be there for them don't try and recover for them.

Anxiety Grows From Different Seeds

The root of anxiety grows from different seeds, in my case the seed was alcohol. Alcohol is a depressant, as much as it can make you feel good for a time, long time use can cause mental disorders, along with the normal reduction of brain function caused by excessive use. Not everyone suffers from mental disorders from alcohol, but in my case excessive use of alcohol left me with severe depression.

After a couple of years of drinking and depression, I started having panic attacks which lead to a vicious circle of self medication. I remember my first panic attack like it was yesterday...I was on the way to pick up my youngest son from school, when the gripping fear came on followed by dizziness and a very short blackout. I had no idea what it was at the time but I new it wasn't normal.

At first the attacks only came on very now and then, but they terrified me and lead me to start drinking each time an attack came on. The alcohol calmed me down and made feel strong and in control again. So the vicious circle begins...that's how my life went for the next 10 years. It got to the stage I just stopped going out in fear of having an attack, instead I locked myself behind my front door and wouldn't step outside without a drink and my partner by my side.

I learned how to control the panic attacks when I went to alcohol counseling, but I still suffered anxiety. The key to my recovery from Anxiety and panic attacks was to get my head around the fact that the panic attacks couldn't hurt me, and that I would be ok. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy was my life saver. It taught me about my feelings, why I was feeling the way I was, and how to control those feelings.

I feel so much better now than I have for years, since my attacks I went back to work, and are now capable of leaving the house without any alcohol or someone holding my hand. I hope this short article can help you come to terms with whatever form of anxiety your suffer from, and helps you understand that you don't have to live with Anxiety. You are not crazy, even though you may feel you are. Please be aware there are many others like you and I all over the world and you can be free of these attacks for life.

Stop the Intrusive Thoughts That Can Cause Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Anxiety comes from many different aspects... Alcoholism, Depression, Grief and Stress etc. Whatever the cause your mind is invaded by worrying and frightening thoughts. In order to control these thoughts, you first need to understand why they affect your lives so much. So how do you stop the intrusive thoughts that cause Anxiety and Panic Attack.

Understanding that it is not the the intrusive thoughts that are responsible for your despair is the one of the steps in overcoming Anxiety and panic attacks. It's the way you react to the thoughts that causes your mind and body to go into panic mode. Anyone who suffers from Anxiety and Panic Attacks know only to well how frightening that panic mode can be. I found it terrifying when I had a panic attack when I was out of the house, but found it extremely distressing when I found I wasn't even safe at home.

My home was my safe place and when I found out the anxiety intruder could invade my left me felling pretty helpless. It's amazing how these intrusive thoughts can turn your life upside down and badly affect the wiring in your brain. I like to to compare the worrying thoughts the self esteem. Just like some people find it hard to except the positive words spoken to them, yet have no problems believing the negative things that people say to them.

It works very much the same with your thoughts, when you have negative or worrying thoughts, you tend to concentrate on them and not the positive and happy thoughts... and then so it goes... off into panic mode. The symptoms as frightening as they are can be controlled, it's just a matter of understanding your anxiety disorder and learning some coping skills to help you over come the fear that Anxiety brings on.

Learning to control our thoughts is another step towards beating Anxiety and Panic attacks. In my case I learned that these attacks couldn't hurt me, that was the hard part. I then learned that if I faced my thoughts and the things that made me anxious, I could take control again and not be crippled by my Anxiety Disorder. Anxiety can be overcome, sometimes in a very short time, for some people it might be a longer process but it's one you can overcome with a little help.